Tuesday, November 6, 2007

Using Humour in the University Classroom

I missed a lecture for Special Education and was reviewing the Powerpoint slides- I laughed out loud at my lecture notes. How often does that happen?

Below is the text of the slide that I found so amusing (emphasis mine):
Be accepting of all students, even those who should have been strangled at birth.
Be well organised in the class & have work for all levels of ability.
Be consistent with how you manage behaviour.
Try and remain calm.
Make time for the students to come and talk to you.
Take an interest in your students.
Remember that not all adolescent behaviour must be “managed”.


Be confrontational.
Teach the curriculum – not the students.
Be unaccepting of difference.
Abuse those that play up in class.
Use humiliation to manage behaviour.
Yell and shout as much as possible to subdue the class.
Be as sarcastic as possible.
Only program for the “good students” not the “no hopers”.
Have favourites.

Monday, October 29, 2007


Cross an Anthropology & English major with a Graduate Diploma in Education (English and ESL), what do you get? Ms X's Notes from the Field: a blend of etic/emic observations of the tribe known as Teenagers in a Classroom.